August 14, 2009

Your Customers Are Not Fortune Tellers

Basing your store's future and long-term strategy based on what your customers thinks today is perilous. The customer is not a link to the future - they're a link to the past and present only. It's up to you to determine the future for them.
August 8, 2009

7 Years for 7 Reasons: The Decline of the Power Center

From its inception as a commercial real estate concept in the 1980’s, the long-term viability of the power center has been a topic of running debate. Many have wondered how something so aesthetically displeasing could possibly survive the test of time. And while they may be ugly, the decline of the power center will have much less to do with aesthetics and much more to do with powerful social and economic forces beyond their walls.
August 2, 2009

The Tyranny of Selection: How Much is Too Much?

How much is too much? When does choice become a burden instead of a benefit and how can retailers help customers find solutions that are personalized, while simplifying the decision making process. In this exclusive article preview, Dr. Kyle Murray examines the issues facing consumers and retailers alike as they navigate an ever deepening sea of products and services.
July 25, 2009

3 Big Ideas for Business Sustainability

The final installment in our live blog series from the Summer Institute in Sustainability 2009 at the University of British Columbia.
July 24, 2009

Business Case Be Damned!

Businesses routinely make decisions without adequate research or planning. Why is then that we need exhaustive business cases for sustainability plans in our businesses? Justin K. Lacey opens the question up in this live report from the Summer Institute in Sustainability conference.
July 22, 2009

Does Sustainability need its own Marlboro Man?

Does the green movement needs a champion, a brand icon of sorts? Does sustainability need it's own Marlboro man? Guest blogger Justin Lacey explores the need for a larger than life symbol for sustainability in this the third part of our five part series.
July 21, 2009

Sustainability is the Business Challenge for the 21st Century

How can the leaders of small businesses define sustainability in a meaningful way? How can it be incorporated into the strategy of the business so that every employee can contribute? Justin K. Lacey founder of Walk Softly Communications and friend of Retail Prophet brings this report from the Summer in Sustainability conference from the University of British Columbia.
July 21, 2009

Sustainability: The Big Difference Small Business Can Make

The first in week-long series of live blogs from the Summer Institute in Sustainability; a week-long, intensive conference on sustainability for business leaders.
July 17, 2009

Special Reporting Series – Sustainability Leadership for Retailers

A special live reporting series from the Summer Institute in Sustainability